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Wedding Rings with unique luxury design - Buy online

Wedding is an important and responsible decision of a new family. This is the spiritual union of two people once and for life. Many couples in our time plan to hold a wedding ceremony, and this event becomes more important for them than the state registration of marriage. He is preceded by a great preparatory process - both spiritual and organizational.

The wedding is a rite, the rules of which do not change for centuries. And a very big role is played by special wedding attributes - the crosses, wedding candles, icons, towels and, of course, the wedding rings.

The collection "Vladimir Mikhailov" presents wedding rings - smooth outside and most familiar for modern newlyweds, and orthodox wedding rings - with a wedding emblem with crowns and lights.

In the old days, wedding rings and wedding rings clearly differed in value. Engagement ringlet figured at the engagement, when the bride and groom announced to their relatives about their desire to conclude a marriage. While Orthodox wedding rings were used exclusively during the church wedding ceremony.

According to the ancient tradition, the wedding rings were consecrated during the sacrament of marriage and kept by spouses for life as a family shrine. And to this day, when the wedding rings are handed in the church to the bride and groom, a prayer is read about the sacred meaning of this action. Over the centuries, wedding rings, like wedding crowns, retain the symbol of royalty. During the wedding, the bride and groom according to the Christian canons are compared with the relationship of Christ and the Church, where the man symbolizes the divine power of Christ, and the woman - the earthly abode of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The images peculiar to the wedding rings remind us of the ritual of marriage, when the crowns over the young ones are held as a token of joy, and the lighted candles in the hands of the newlyweds speak of their readiness to enter the Heavenly Chamber. On the orthodox wedding rings, the lamps are not accidental. In the form of the emblem they are engraved so that during their married life the newlyweds will show mercy to each other, without distorting the image of true love. The cross, pictured between the two crowns, implies the blessing of marriage, the giving of a fortress to it, its affirmation on the true basis of self-giving and sacrifice, in spite of selfishness. The cross is common to the spouses, and bearing it during the whole life together is the main joy and the task of the marriage union.

Smooth wedding rings are now more common for secular weddings and are worn by newlyweds at the registry office during registration. Presented in the catalog "Vladimir Mikhailov" models of engagement rings, as a rule, are supplemented by an internal engraving containing texts of guarding prayers. The reason is that since ancient times the wedding rings have served not only as symbols of marriage, mutual love and the unification of two people in the same family. They carried a protective function. On Orthodox wedding rings, it was customary to put special protective prayers. The wedding ring with prayer was designed to protect its owner, his family and home.

Rings with prayer are popular now. For example, all the famous "Save and Save" rings, on which one of the most important prayers for Christians is performed: "Lord, save me and save me!". Wearing such a ring on your finger, the Orthodox always turns to this prayer with his heart and soul and, therefore, does not stop praying to the Lord for Salvation.


Modern church rules allow to use orthodox ornaments both for the civil wedding, and for the wedding in the Church. A smooth wedding ring is traditionally worn by spouses as a token of loyalty to each other on the ring finger of the right hand. But to wear an orthodox wedding ring is exactly on the finger on which it was clothed by a priest. Before the wedding ceremony, the "Save and Preserve" rings are consecrated in the church. It can also be done just before the ceremony.

By tradition, the rings are made of precious metals, most often gold. They can be framed with stones, decorated with carvings or words of protective prayer. "It is the creation of the family that affects the formation of the personality most of all," says Vladimir Mikhailov, who creates engagement rings in the best traditions of harmonious minimalism. In the artist's products the power of spirit and matter is interwoven, traditions and modernity unite.

Rings - And There Will Be Two In The Flesh One

In these wedding rings, the theme of the wedding emblem is the most detailed. It is carried in the hands of the Angels. The tradition of placing saints and angels on wedding rings came from antiquity, when the guard rings were used not only for spiritual protection, but also for betrothal and weddings. Until the revolution, combined with marriage, they wore them, calling the depicted saints (more often personal patrons) to witness the purity of love between the spouses and the protectors of their marriage. Today in Russia there is a revival of the old custom of marrying rings with images of saints. Angels bear a wedding emblem with a prayer "ribbon" and an equilateral Greek cross in the form of a shamrock, a symbol of the trinity of God and purity. The artistic form of sophisticated, regal rings refers to the perception of the family as a small church and is called upon to recall the beauty and grandeur of the sacrament, the transformation to which the true marriage leads.

Smooth Wedding Rings Vladimir Mikhailov

The commonality of the original artistic and semantic solution unites the rings from the wedding collection. According to the author's intention, in the external favorite form of a smooth engagement ring typical for modern Russia, there is an unexpected solution. The tradition of hiding from human eyes holy images came from antiquity. Even during Soviet Russia, the custom of engraving inscriptions of love and devotion within the rings has been preserved. In the wedding rings from Vladimir Mikhailov, secular and ecclesiastical traditions joined together, enriching the dedication of devotion with spiritual meaning. The ring is like "turned inside out": all the beauty and depth of content is hidden from other people's eyes. A smooth outside ring "opens" on the inside. The rings were thought of as paired, but they can be used separately according to the wishes of the married.