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Saint Matthew the Apostle Images for a Necklace

Before turning to Christ, Matthew served as a tax collector, tax collector for Rome. Hearing the voice of Jesus Christ: "Follow Me" (Matthew 9: 9), he left his post and followed the Savior. In the beginning, the apostle Matthew preached in Palestine. Before leaving for distant countries, St. Matthew wrote the Gospel.

The Holy Apostle Matthew went around with the gospel of Syria, Media, Persia and Parthia, ending his preaching work with a martyr's death in Ethiopia. Then the country was inhabited by the tribes of cannibals. During the prayer for the conversion of the Ethiopians, the Lord Himself appeared to the Apostle himself, and, giving a staff, ordered him to be planted at the door of the temple: a tree will grow from the rod and bear fruit, and from its root a water spring will flow. After bathing in the water and eating the fruit, the Ethiopians will change their wild temper. On the way to the temple the apostle met the wife and son of the ruler of this country, possessed by an unclean spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, the apostle healed them. The miracle turned many pagans to the Lord, but the ruler Fulvian did not want his subjects to become Christians and accused the apostle of witchcraft. During the execution, the flame from the fire did not damage St. Matthew, and melted the idols and scorched Fulvian. The frightened Ethiopian turned to the saint with pleading for mercy, and according to the prayer of the apostle the flame subsided. The body of the holy apostle remained unscathed, and he departed to the Lord (60 AD).

Ruler Fulvian repented. but he did not leave any doubts. He ordered the body of Matthew to be put in an iron coffin and thrown into the sea: if the God of Matthew keeps the body of the apostle in the water, as he kept it in the fire, then it is necessary to worship this One True God.
The coffin carried by the wave was transferred with honor to the temple built by the apostle. Fulvian asked Matthew for forgiveness. Bishop Platon baptized him with the name of Matthew. Over time, Fulvian received the bishopric and continued the cause of enlightening his people.